Tuesday, October 4, 2011

September enews

September 2011
Walsall South
To Contact Valerie: Westminster Office:
Telephone: 020 7219 7176
Email: valerie.vaz.mp@parliament.uk
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA Constituency Office:
Telephone: 01922 635835


Valerie said: "I was delighted to attend the funfair day and to meet with the nuns who work so tirelessly to support our community."
114a Lichfield Street, Walsall. WS1 1SZ Valerie visited the Funfair Day at St Mary’s the Mount Parish on Saturday 10th September. The Funfair Day was organised by The Daughters of Divine Love in order to raise money for charity. Surgeries Valerie holds regular surgeries. To arrange an appointment, please call the Constituency Office on 01922 635835 For further information, please visit: http://www.valerievazmp.co.uk VALERIE OPPOSES CONTROVERSIAL HEALTH BILL Valerie voted against the Government’s Health and Social Care Bill at its third reading.
Valerie said: "This is a reckless, unnecessary and wasteful reorganisation of the NHS. I have received a very large number of e-mails and letters from constituents on this important issue and I know how concerned local people are about the Government’s proposals.
"The Government’s plans will break up the NHS as a national public service and are fundamen-tally weakening the Health Secretary’s responsibilities. The Bill still contains the essential ele-ments to set the NHS up as a full-scale market based on the model of the privatised utilities.
"I have consistently voted against the Bill and I am very disappointed that it has passed its Third Reading. I will continue to fight against the dismantling of our National Health Service."

On Saturday 10th September, Valerie visited Chuckery-based casting manufacturer Chamberlin and Hill and nomi-nated their turbocharger cast-ings to represent Walsall South in the Made by Britain scheme.
Valerie said: "Having been based here for 121 years, Chamberlin and Hill is a prime example of the best of Wal-sall’s successful manufacturing industry. "
"I am delighted to nominate Chamberlin and Hill’s turbo-charger castings as the product to represent Walsall South in the Made by Britain scheme. In 2010, around 10% of petrol engines were turbocharged. However, by 2015, ap-proximately 80-90% of car petrol engines are expected to be turbocharged. This will enable petrol engines to func-tion more efficiently and reduce emissions."

 The Health Select Committee, of which Valerie is a mem-ber, published reports into the healthcare regulators Moni-tor and the Care Quality Commission on 14th September 2011.
The Committee’s report on Monitor made it clear that stan-dards for authorising Foundation Trusts should not fall due to increased pressure to become Foundation Trusts.
The report on the CQC criticised a "distortion of priorities" at the organisation, finding that a focus on administrative tasks had been at the expense of the core function of in-spection. The Committee found that this was the result of a lack of sufficiently clear priorities and objectives.


The Boundary Commission has published its proposed boundary changes following the Government’s decision to reduce the number of seats in the House of Commons by 50. The West Midlands is set to lose five seats, which Valerie opposes.
Proposals for Walsall South mean that the current wards would be divided between two constituencies, Walsall South and Walsall West– that is over 40% of the current Walsall South split between each of the new constituencies. Bentley & Darlaston North, Darlaston South and Pleck move into Walsall West and Paddock, Palfrey, Pheasey and St Mathews form part of the new Walsall South.
Valerie said: "I am sure that many residents will wish to participate in the public consultation phase. Details are available at
http://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk/ "
Valerie Backs Elderly Persons Social Centre Valerie is backing the Palfrey-based Elderly Persons Social Centre entry in the NatWest CommunityForce funding competition. If the cen-tre gains enough votes in an online poll, NatWest will donate £6000 towards its work in the community. To vote for the centre, please visit http://communityforce.natwest.com/project/3515
Valerie said: "I would encourage you to vote for the centre as its work is very important to large number of elderly people in the Palfrey area."

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