Sunday, February 27, 2011

What future the health of or NHS?

We had the promise of more spending on our NHS.. now we have a report from the TUC suggesting 50,000 jobs in our NHS could be lost.  The senseless waste of money.. some £1.8 billion .. to tear up the fabric or organisation of our NHS... this would pay 15000 nurses for 3 years. This Tory/LIb conalition is pursuing a path of partnerships with private companies whose sole responsibilty is to bring back profits for their shareholders...   do we really beleive that our NHS is safe in the privatised hands of the Tories?
Ian Robertson

1 comment:

  1. this just makes it worse Ian

    I would personally think we have to campaign locally against these changes and bring it down to local level and people's stories as we move forward
